CMO Kathryn Sharfman on the Balance of Doing and Telling
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CMO Kathryn Sharfman on the Balance of Doing and Telling

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Podcast Episode Summary:

The necessity of balance between doing and telling that is learned throughout the years working in marketing is one of the most important skill sets to master for any marketer.

That skill comes from doing lots of things, trying a variety of tactics and being able to recognize when to unpack the value of all actions to the involved stakeholders.

Perfecting that balance doesn’t happen over night. And as Kathryn Sharfman shares, a lot of the time that balance is tough.

On this episode of the Radically Transparent Podcast, Kathryn Sharfman, CMO and Chief Platform Officer of Sun Exchange, discusses the necessity of balance in decision making, communication, leading teams, transformation and how that balance impacts the success of both short and long-term outcomes.

She also discusses how to take stakeholders along on a value-driven journey with you, as a marketing leader, and why it’s essential NOT to under value the time it takes to include them in your vision.

More About Kathryn Sharfman

Kath is Chief Platform Officer for Sun Exchange, a global platform enabling people to earn an income from solar power while making a positive impact.

She is also on the CMO Council’s African Advisory Board, a 16,000+ global network of marketers and was included in Forbes’ CMO Next Top 50 List this year.

Kath has over 21 years of full spectrum digital experience with both start ups and global corporations, specializing in scaling businesses with:

  • Hundreds of brands from the Queen to Tencent, Kodak, HSBC and MI5
  • Most industries including government, fin tech, FMCG, retail, alcohol, sport, hospitality, tourism, non-profit and entertainment
  • Audiences, from 5 to 80 years of age, in diverse languages including Gujarati, Xhosa and German and around the world from Italy to Rwanda and on to Hong Kong

Like What You Heard?

Radically Transparent is one of Oktopost’s popular original podcast shows famous for asking renowned modern day marketers and sales leaders to expose what keeps them up at night, professionally and so much more!

New episodes air every Thursday on B2B Marketing Now, a podcast channel built for marketers, by marketers and you can catch all episodes here.

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