How to Successfully Market to a New Demographic
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How to Successfully Market to a New Demographic

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Episode Summary

Nothing lasts forever. Products evolve, industries transform, and as a B2B marketer, it’s imperative to stay open-minded.

However, while marketing leaders may be aware of the ever-changing marketplace, that doesn’t always mean they are eager to change along with it.
And for good reason – when pivoting to reach a new audience, getting the timing or messaging wrong can be catastrophic.

So what do you do when it’s time to reach a new audience? How do you reach a new customer audience without abandoning your old one?

Meet Andrea Zoellner, VP of Marketing at Kinsta, who recently led her entire organization to successfully reach a new customer demographic.

Andrea exposes the radically transparent truths behind marketing to a new demographic without changing what current customers already love about the brand. She opens up about the concerns they had, how they positioned themselves, as well as how they addressed future feature development for both new and existing demographics.

Andrea even opens up about the “discovery” phase of the new personas– the self-assessment and the moment the brand realized they needed to expand their audience to go behind creators and include developers and CTOs.

Hot Topics of this Episode Include:

  • Reaching new customer demographics without abandoning your current one
  • Insight into the fractured world of website development and a fascinating discussion on why marketers today need to be an expert on the products they write about
  • The “ah-ha” moment of when it’s time to expand your customer audience

Meet Andrea

Andrea Zoellner is the VP of Marketing at Kinsta, a fully-distributed cloud hosting platform, where she oversees the company’s growth strategies and Marketing operations.

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