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Bruker Case Study

From Coordination to Conversion: Bruker's Advocacy Success with Oktopost

Company Name
Billerica, MA
Company Size
5,001-10,000 employees

Meet Bruker

Pioneering Innovation in Biotechnology Research and Industrial Applications

Bruker enables scientists and engineers to make breakthrough post-genomic discoveries and develop new applications that improve the quality of human life. Bruker's high-performance scientific instruments and high-value analytical and diagnostic solutions enable scientists to explore life and materials at molecular, cellular, and microscopic levels.

In close cooperation with their customers, Bruker is enabling innovation, improved productivity, and customer success in post-genomic life science molecular and cell biology research, in applied and biopharma applications, in microscopy and nanoanalysis, as well as in industrial and cleantech research, and next-gen semiconductor metrology in support of AI.

Bruker is one of the world's leading analytical instrumentation companies, consistently developing state-of-the-art technologies and innovative solutions for today's analytical questions.

The Challenge

Navigating social media complexities in a global company

Bruker is a large company with an impressive team across 90 sites globally. Coordinating social media efforts was a significant challenge. The company needed to avoid overlapping posts and ensure divisions were aligned to share best practices and learn from each other.

Coordinating social media efforts across eight divisions worldwide was a significant challenge. We needed a streamlined process to avoid overlapping posts and ensure alignment.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Additionally, optimizing the frequency and timing of posts while bringing the entire team together for centralized messaging and scheduling required a structured process and the right tools.

Optimizing post frequency and timing while bringing the team together for centralized messaging was not easy, requiring the right tools and processes.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

The Oktopost Solution

Streamlined scheduling and reporting for enhanced coordination

The Oktopost all-in-one platform provided Bruker with a shared editorial calendar, making scheduling coordination in a complex organization easier. The platform allowed Bruker to optimize post timing and frequency, ensuring maximum impact.

Oktopost's shared editor and calendar made it easier to coordinate scheduling and optimize our social media activities across the company.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Oktopost's robust reporting features enabled Bruker to monitor performance, learn from past activities, and continuously improve its content. The ease of scheduling and aligning messaging with communication guidelines led to increased post frequency and enhanced content quality.

The powerful reporting features of Oktopost allowed us to monitor performance, learn from past activities, and continuously improve our content.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Launching the Advocacy Program

Expanding reach through employee advocacy

The advocacy program was identified as a perfect marketing strategy for Bruker, aiming to increase brand reach by leveraging the networks of their advocates, not just the company page's followers. Bruker's first goal was to reach a larger audience of relevant and interested professionals with the potential to become clients. To support this, Bruker created and communicated a clear social media policy for their social media professionals as part of introducing the advocacy program, significantly extending their reach beyond the company page followers.

Our advocacy program aimed to reach more users and more valuable users. Leveraging our advocates' networks was key to achieving this.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Bruker introduced the advocacy program to employees in one division, selecting colleagues active on social media with strong networks willing to broadcast the company's communications. The ease of using Oktopost's social board made it simple for advocates, even those without extensive social media experience, to participate effectively.

The ease of use of Oktopost's social board made it simple for our advocates to share content, even if they were not social media experts.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Duplicating posts and personalizing them enabled Bruker to create numerous relevant posts efficiently. The platform's scalability and customization options made managing an expanding advocacy program easy, including non-socially active professionals like renowned scientists.

Bruker mentions the importance of exporting the results data and the calendar of scheduled posts to Excel files. This export automatically creates the reporting sheets instead of spending hours making them from scratch. They include and organize the required data to share with stakeholders. By tracking relevant engagement KPIs, Oktopost provides Bruker's team with post-quality indicators to identify and understand which posts performed best.

Exporting reports and calendars to Excel saved us countless hours, allowing us to focus on creating impactful content. Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

The Most Effective Advocacy Strategies

Keeping advocates engaged and motivated

Bruker's social media team focused on creating interesting and engaging content that advocates would naturally want to share on their personal profiles. Recognizing and thanking active advocates and giving them early access to content made them feel valued and motivated.

Creating interesting and engaging content for our advocates to share was crucial. Advocacy should not be a burden but something they enjoy and see value in.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Understanding that advocacy is a marathon, not a sprint, Bruker's team ensured continuous coaching and support for their advocates. They communicated clearly the program's goals and regularly shared success stories and impact metrics with them.

Recognizing and thanking active advocates and providing them early access to content made them feel valued and motivated. Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

The advocacy program leader needs to work with advocates like a team leader, choosing them, training them, motivating them, and caring about what they do. Advocates need to be aware of the value of advocacy and its goals. The advocacy leader needs to be accessible for questions and suggestions. Giving advocates early access to content that Bruker is planning to publish in the future makes advocates feel like members of the team.

Measuring Success

Tracking ROI and continuous improvement

Bruker measures the success of its advocacy program by tracking the number of people reached and the conversions generated from advocate posts. The company attributed revenue to advocacy post conversions, ensuring a clear understanding of ROI.

We measure the success of our advocacy program by the number of people reached and the conversions generated from advocate posts.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

In the last 18 months, Bruker's social media marketing has seen a six-fold increase in impressions and link clicks and a four-fold increase in new followers on its flagship LinkedIn page. The advocacy program has been an important contributor to this significant growth in Bruker's social media presence and the traffic to its website coming in from link clicks. The higher conversion rates from advocate posts demonstrated the program's significant impact.

Bruker's social media strategies that included this advocacy program have significantly increased our brand presence on social media, with social KPIs showing impressive growth. Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Advice to other leaders of Employee Advocacy Programs

Best practices for effective advocacy

Bruker advises ensuring the advocacy boards include engaging and valuable content, choosing the right advocates, and providing continuous training and support. Regularly sharing the program's success and impact encourages more participation and highlights the value of advocacy.

Ensure the advocacy boards contain engaging content and continuously train and support your advocates. Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Bruker's approach emphasizes tracking high-quality conversions and prioritizing quality over quantity. Bruker continues to see significant returns from its advocacy program by focusing on reaching the most relevant people.

Regularly share the success and impact of the advocacy program with your team, showing them the value and encouraging more participation.Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

Bruker regularly presents the results of the advocacy program. They inform their advocates and present posts' reach and conversion. The show and recognition advocate success. Showing the results attracts new members to the advocacy program.

The Results

Significant gains in social media engagement and conversions

The advocacy program, launched in early 2023, continues to show a steady increase in KPIs, with an expanding network of advocates driving the program's success. Bruker's ability to track and attribute revenue to advocacy post conversions ensures a clear understanding of the program's ROI.

Advocate posts have achieved higher conversion rates than company posts, proving the value of our advocacy efforts. Alessandro Volpino, Senior Global Digital Marketing Specialist & Coordinator

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